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R6 nav neo

的 R6 NEO and R6 NAV - NEO系统s are Saab’s latest navigation system, 经批准在巴拿马运河上使用和经批准在任何水域一般使用的solas.


Approved by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
Exceptional precision in position and heading
SOLAS approved DGNSS for use in any waters
Outstanding IMU-backed position integrity

Approved NPPU for the Panama Canal

Both R6 NEO and R6 nav neo are approved by the Panama Canal Authorities (ACP), meeting the requirements for a pre-installed, non-portable piloting unit (NPPU) for vessels with a beam of 109 feet / 33.22 metres or more (NeoPanamax vessels), 经过测试,满足严格的精度要求,以监测船舶运动,同时通过运河. 

的 R6 NEO and R6 NAV - NEO系统s include:

  • DGNSS providing high accuracy position, 速度, 课程, 航向和转弯速度
  • 船舶位置和运动的备份和改进
  • Correction via 国际航标协会标, SBAS, ATLAS and RTK service
  • AIS target data from built-in AIS receiver
  • UPS with >5 hours battery back-up
  • Wireless interface for piloting software and reception of RTK corrections

R6 nav neo for general use on open sea, ports and other waterways

的 R6 NAV - NEO系统 exceeds the Panama requirements, and is designed to meet the increased global demand for precision navigation. It is SOLAS approved for general use on open sea, 港口和其他繁忙水域,同时也满足巴拿马运河管理局对非便携式引航装置(NPPU)的要求。.

Additional features of the R6 NAV - NEO系统:

  • SOLAS-approved DGNSS providing top of the line accuracy for position, 速度, 课程, 航向和转弯速度.
  • Operator HMI available in the R6 CDU (Control and Display Unit). Additional R6 CDU may be installed in a network configuration.
  • 准备额外的SOLAS认证,如发射航向装置(THD)、速度和距离测量设备(SDME)和转速指示器(ROT). 预计2024年底.
  • 支持s GNSS corrections via SBAS, 国际航标协会标, global ATLAS correction services, 以及当地的RTK服务.
  • Ability to use the same system on open sea as well as in narrow waters or at docking.
  • 精确的船舶位置和运动显示在R6 CDU(控制和显示单元)上,也分发到ECDIS, ARPA或船上其他系统通过标准化网络和串行接口.

的 modular design allows for additional configurations and features.


除了极高的精度, R6 nav neo提供出色的位置完整性,以对抗gnss频段中日益增加的干扰和欺骗攻击威胁. Featuring a 1100+ channel dual GNSS-sensor, it utilizes multi-constellation and multi-frequency GNSS reception, 以及GNSS位置的惯性备份和先进的有源滤波器,以减轻干扰影响.

通过将多gnss与惯性位置备份(IMU)和外部修正相结合, the R6 nav neo redefines navigation precision and integrity protection.

Choosing between R6 NEO or R6 nav neo

R6近地天体系统 meets the requirements of the Panama Canal Authority, but does not include the R6 CDU (control and display unit). It does not provide an operational HMI, 所有配置都是使用I6 IMU和R6 NAV PRO Compass的网络Web接口完成的. 船只的位置和运动仅在外部领航软件/平板电脑上进行监控. Without the CDU it will not be SOLAS approved for general use, but can anytime be upgraded to R6 nav neo with a CDU.

R6 NAV - NEO系统 超过巴拿马运河管理局的要求,包括R6 CDU(控制和显示单元), 批准SOLAS公约. 精确的船舶位置和运动显示在R6 CDU上,并可能分发到ECDIS, ARPA or other systems onboard the ship. 

用R6 nav neo, 该系统的精度可用于一般用途,并与ECDIS集成作为高性能的主GNSS或备用GNSS. 

UK helicopter and lifeboat exercise


海上惯性导航是指船舶精确定位的一种技术, 速度, 以及海上的方位. 该系统通过使用一组传感器(如加速度计和陀螺仪)连续计算位置,独立于外部参考而运行, 取向, and 速度 of the moving vessel. 的 inertial navigation system (INS) captures data about the vessel's movements, integrating the 速度 over time to compute the current position.

Number of ships passing through the Panama Canal daily


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