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Saab Global

Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb

Delivering overmatch capability for the modern battlefield. 我们的地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB)是一种远程精确弹药,满足武装部队不断发展的需求.

Key features

360-degree target engagement
Highly accurate over long ranges
Defeats hardened and soft-skin assets

Ground-Launched long range fires capability

Developed in partnership with Boeing, our GLSDB is exceptionally flexible, highly effective and accurate over long distances.

能够进行反向斜坡交战,并击败从硬化设施到软皮资产的多种威胁, GLSDB adds another dimension to your capabilities.


360-degree engagement

Designed to engage from any angle, 我们的GLSDB提供了最高的灵活性,并补充了现有的弹道武器.


GLSDB建立在经过验证和成功的小直径炸弹增量(SDB I)和多管火箭发射系统火箭的基础上. SDB是一种250磅级武器,配备先进的抗干扰GPS系统辅助惯性导航系统, combined with a multipurpose, 穿透式爆破破片弹头和可编程电子引信.


GLSDB advantages:

  • Increased range
  • Guided artillery
  • Accuracy to within one metre
  • 全方位全方位攻击,甚至是发射点后的目标
  • 多枚火箭攻击多个目标,几乎同时产生冲击
  • All-weather, 24/7 capability
  • Terrain avoidance, such as mountains
  • Cave-breaching capability
  • 可从隐藏或受保护的位置发射,以避免被发现
  • 可编程冲击和延迟引信,用于深穿透或近距离爆炸高度
  • 用于低附带伤害的SDB聚焦致命弹药(FLM)改型
  • Laser SDB variant for moving target capability

Did you know...

GLSDB is based on two combat proven systems; Boeing's Small Diameter Bomb and the Multiple Launch Rocket System. In cooperation with Boeing, 十大正规博彩网站评级公司将带来一种地面发射版本的高精度弹药.

  • GLSDB的精度非常高,它可以击中汽车轮胎半径内的物体
  • Since Boeing's SDB works as a standalone airborne solution, all necessary technology lies within the missile
  • GLSDB是独立于发射装置的,这意味着M270/M142接口的任何发射装置都可以使用

Further exploration

GLSDB是寻找价格合理的产品的客户的终极解决方案, high precision and long range solution.


A range of 150 km, the ability to hit targets from different angles, 而且精度非常高,可以击中半径一米内的目标. 十大正规博彩网站评级公司和波音公司共同开发了地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB),这是一种火箭火炮弹药,旨在满足武装部队不断发展的需求.

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